Plants For Joshua Tree Woodland

Abronia pogonantha Desert Sand Verbena - grid24_12
Abronia pogonantha Desert Sand Verbena

Desert Sand Verbena has white to light purple flowers and gray leaves. It is a wonderful annual verbena from the clean sandy areas of the Mojave desert, southern end of the San Joaquin Valley, and on ... Learn more.

Agave utahensis, Century Plant, growing under Acacia greggii in the Santa Margarita garden.  - grid24_12
Agave utahensis var. nevadensis Century Plant

Clark Mountain Agave is native to east Mojave desert on limestone soils around the area of Clark Mt.The flowering stems are not branching as in Agavi deserti, but the flower clusters arise along the... Learn more.

Antirrhinum coulterianum (syn. Sairocarpus coulterianus) is native locally in disturbed areas of Southern California. - grid24_12
Antirrhinum coulterianum Coulters Snapdragon

Antirrhinum coulterium, Coulters snapdragon is another one of the many plants that is not supposed to be living on the Santa Margarita nursery site, but it is here. One of those surprise! Guess what I... Learn more.

Arabis pulchra var. gracilis beautiful rockcress - grid24_12
Arabis pulchra var. gracilis Beautiful Rockcress

Beautiful Rockcress, Arabis pulchra var. gracilis, is a one to two foot tall perennial with purple flowers. This colorful perennial is a member of the mustard family. It is very much like wallflower... Learn more.

An Arctostaphylos glauca, Big Berry Manzanita, kept as a specimen. This manzanita covered large areas of Central and Southern California. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos glauca Big Berry Manzanita

Big Berry Manzanita, Arctostaphylos glauca is an evergreen shrub to small tree, with red-brown bark, 7-10' foot high and wide. It will be lower and wider where there is snow. A gray green foliag... Learn more.

 Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi (blue threeawn) in the wild eastb of Barstow - grid24_12
Aristida purpurea Purple 3-awn

Purple three awn grass is a perennial grass of the Kansas prairie that can be spotted in many small patches throughout Southern California. A grass lovers dream grass, small clumps of green stems with... Learn more.

Astragalus Douglasii,  Douglas milkvetch plant - grid24_12
Astragalus Douglasii Douglas milkvetch

Douglas milkvetch is really a nice little plant that causes no problems that I've seen while creating a visually delightful addition to the garden. This little locoweed grows on the Santa Margarita ... Learn more.

Atriplex canescens, Four-wing Salt Bush - grid24_12
Atriplex canescens Four-wing Salt Bush

Four-wing Salt Bush is an evergray shrub that grows to 5 ft. Native to dry areas, western U.S. Needs full sun. It becomes very drought tolerant after a few good waterings. The whole plant is edible (y... Learn more.

Baccharis glutinosa Water Wally. - grid24_12
Baccharis glutinosa Water Wally

A deciduous willow -like shrub to 10 feet. Male and female flowers are on separate plants. Long, vertical stems make the appearance of this plant undesirable for the formal garden, but in a wild gard... Learn more.

Baccharis sergiloides (desert baccharis) - grid24_12
Baccharis sergiloides Squaw Waterweed

A 4-6 ft, shrub that will be leafless under stress. In spring if it is happy it is covered with bright yellow flowers. Native from Inyo to Utah to San Diego. Learn more.

A closeup photo of the flowers of Baileya multiradiata, Desert Marigold. - grid24_12
Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold

Desert Marigold is a short lived perennial that grows to 2 foot high and lives in the deserts of the Southwest. Its flowers look like yellow marigolds on a light green marigold plant. Easily rotted wi... Learn more.

Bothriochloa barbinodis Cane Bluestem - grid24_12
Bothriochloa barbinodis Cane Bluestem

Cane Bluestem, Plumed Beard-Grass. Native from San Diego to Santa Barbara east to Oklahoma and down into the tropics. Rather ugly and best used as a limited ingredient in seed mixes. Syn. Andropogon... Learn more.

Calyptridium monandrum

Annual, low, spreading stems or flat to the ground, leaves in a basal rosette, flowers minute, in sandy, open areas, coast, chaparral, desert, forest. disappears after flowering. sSN, Teh, sSnJV, SCoR... Learn more.

Hackberry is a very nice small tree for hot climates. - grid24_12
Celtis reticulata Hackberry

Celtis reticulata, or Hackberry, is a small, deciduous tree to 30'which grows best in full sun (a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight), and with regular water but can become very drought tolerant... Learn more.

A Pale Swallowtail butterfly on  the Redbud, Cercis occidentalis, the inset shows Golden Currant, Ribes aureum gracilentum flowered exactly right.  - grid24_12
Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud

Western Redbud, Cercis occidentalis is a deciduous shrub to small tree. Magenta flowers occur in spring, February -April. Western Redbud is native on dry slopes (usually next to a spring or season... Learn more.

Chilopsis linearis, Desert Willow flowers - grid24_12
Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow

Desert willow, Chilopsis linearis is a large deciduous shrub or small tree. There is one in McFarland 30 feet+tall, but usually they are a 15 foot or so small tree. Its willow- like, long, narrow l... Learn more.

Flowers of Yucca Valley Desert Willow.  - grid24_12
Chilopsis linearis var. arcuata 'Yucca Valley' 'Yucca Valley' Desert Willow

Yucca Valley is a beautiful white Desert Willow from the south western edge of the Mojave desert. It was found in a high desert wash mixed with Big Berry Manzanita, Bladder sage and near the original... Learn more.

A Buckeye butterfly sipping nectar from a flower of Chrysothamnus nauseosus, Rabbitbrush. - grid24_12
Chrysothamnus nauseosus Rabbitbrush

Rabbit brush is a nondescript two to four foot perennial that erupts in late summer with a passionate display of appealing yellow that has stopped many an artist and butterfly. It is native in many f... Learn more.

Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Rabbit Brush

This rabbit brush grows in the mountains along the edge of the desert from Southern California to B.C. east to Montana and New Mexico. A small rabbit brush, not usually more than a meter high. (Syn.... Learn more.

A Pale Swallowtail butterfly sipping nectar from the red flowers of Cirsium occidentale var. venustum, Red Thistle. - grid24_12
Cirsium occidentale var. venustum Red Thistle

Venus Thistle is a rather large, tomentose, ( covered with short, soft, matted, white hairs) biennial (sometimes annual) thistle with 1-2" bright red flowers. Very showy. Can grow to six feet tall.... Learn more.

Cucurbita foetidissima, Coyote Melon flowers - grid24_12
Cucurbita foetidissima Coyote Melon

A coarse, trailing perennial, with gray-green, rough leaves, yellow flowers, and a large root, undergoes dormancy after flowering and fruiting. Occurs often in sandy areas. Produces a gourd, not edibl... Learn more.

Dalea (Psorothamnus) fremontii, Indigo Bush, is here visited by a butterfly of the desert, near Ridgecrest, California. - grid24_12
Dalea fremontii Indigo Bush

Indigo Bush is a four foot tall deciduous shrub with whitish stems and purple pea flowers. It grows in the western deserts in creosote bush scrub and Great Basin sage plant communities. As it lives in... Learn more.

Delphinium parishii, Sky Blue Larkspur, is shown here in the central oak woodland of California, amongst the weeds, and other wildflowers.  - grid24_12
Delphinium parishii Sky Blue Larkspur

As Delphinium cardinale but blue, more drought tolerant but less garden tolerant. Learn more.

close up of Diplacus calycinus - grid24_12
Diplacus calycinus Rock Monkey Flower

Diplacus calycinus, Kaweah River bush Monkey Flower, is a little startling to see; a lovely butter-yellow-flowered monkey flower in full sun amongst the cacti and saltbush or sticking out of what ap... Learn more.

Dyssodia thurberi Dainty Yellow Composite

Perennial, 6 in. high, 1 ft. across, western deserts to 5500 ft. needs good drainage and no summer water (along coast) or a little (inland) after established, very showy rock garden plant, gets very ... Learn more.

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