General Help
Ok I assume you're at this page because you're lost, stuck or a complete computer newbie. God help you if you're all three. Learning computers when you're fifty, sixty, or even thirty, is a very humbling experience. My advice is to try and break the computer as often as possible, not physically but by using it. Read, read, and read some more and you'll become much more comfortable using the keyboard and mouse. Remember they've taught gorillas to use computers, ah, maybe that's not a good example. One of our customers described herself as a chimp with a stick, trying to get the termites out of the nest, maybe that's closer? So get a banana and keep trying.
Also, if you don't have a computer yet but are going to buy one for web stuff and email. Buy an Android, a Mac or a pre-built Linux computer. We had one windows machine (that I loathed) that had to be rebuilt two or three times in one year, the other six linux and two mac machines combined required no service.
Help moving around
highlighted words are
that send you off to other pages. This web site has about 3200
pages organized into at least 5 levels. Move through the
hyperlinks (usually blue text with
underlining)to the next level. The hyper-links
can be , text, boxes, or mapped
pictures. Content in the form of
pictures and information is what the web is about. We've moved
from a printed catalog to the web because of customer requests
for pictures. Trying to update the 'Manual of California
Native Plants' killed 3 computers. The 1000 images made up a
100+ meg file.(It's now ten times bigger.) It is a whole lot easier and cheaper to give
you full content on the web.
Sometimes the pages have trouble printing
right because of your software, your monitor or we screwed
something up. Try clicking on the page in various spots and
checking it in print preview.
Set your display to a reasonable setting. If you have a mondern monitor and computer that is at least 1600X1200, ask someone to help you if your monitor is set at 800X600. You're already probably half blind for the monitor.
What is a Native Plant?
Native plants are plants that have evolved on the site. Within reason, that was to the last major climate change. In California that's at least 10000-20000 years. That sounds fairly easy but California is not what it was. The forests are gone, replaced with chaparral at best, annualized grasslands(weeds) at worst. We've attempted to correct for this with the selector. But take a walk or drive in your area and see if you can find a weed free(grass free) slope or area. Those trees and shrubs are probably the ones you should be planting. Not the weedy ones,(Star thistle, brome, most of the grasses, Castor bean, Arundo, pampas grass, Bermuda grass) but the pines, oaks, mountain lilac, manzanitas, sages, poppies,and lupines that are supposed to be there.