*There are a couple of
oligolectic bees
that only work these, Perdita and Anthophora. Final report, 2003
Biennium, Clark County, Nevada
**Amer. J. Bot. 75(9):1387-1393. 1988 .1% wind pollinated, most 99.9%
insect pollinated
desert bee species the Minckley Lab is very helpful.
Catalog of hymenoptera in America north of Mexico / prepared
cooperatively by specialists on the various groups of Hymenoptera under
the direction of Karl V. Krombein, 1979
Also used many other sources to reference in this page. I searched
thousands of articles in Google Scholar, http://www.freefullpdf.com/,
http://www.scirus.com/, our image files and others. Again this is not peer reviewed and
is meant to be an aid to the native plant community and garden
designers, be accurate, but not perfect. Researched a
hundred + hours, not thousands.