Range: throughout
California, except deserts (mostly), San Joaquin
valley, and the northwesterly portion.
Diet: eats mostly
insects, spiders, other lizards,
Habitat: needs cover,
such as rocks, logs, shrubs, etc. Lives in
somewhat open areas such as woodland, open forest, chaparral, scrub,
etc., that is, shrubs a trees interspersed with open sunny areas
Behavior: feeds during
the day, but not during the middle of the day,
when temperatures are highest.
burrows in soil to lay eggs, Tolerates wider range
of temperatures
than other lizards and so avoids competition, and will
hibernate in
colder areas during the winter
Territory Size: fairly small, maybe a 100 meters.
Tactics: loses tail to
escape from predators, will climb shrubs.
Predators: Cats, dogs,
snakes, hawks, etc eat it.
Notes: great for a dry
garden as it eats lots of insects!!
A regularly watered garden, where pesticides are applied, is not to its
liking, as it evolved in the summer-dry Mediterranean climate of
California, and pesticides will kill the insects it needs to eat for
its survival! Pesticides aren't doing it any favors either.
These lizards are very entertaining to watch, and they seem the feel
the same about us.