Alkaline soils.
For most people having a soil that is above a pH of 7(neutral) seems to
be a big deal. It really doesn't have to be a big deal. Most of you
have a soil that is perfectly usable. It grows plants, sometimes a huge
surplus of weeds even. If there are plants growing everywhere and
everyone tells you 'the soil is so alkaline' look at the edges of the
leaves. If many of the plants have
burnt edges and are yellow, then
maybe you do have a problem and should get a simple soil test. If the
leaves look fine, don't worry too much, but you might not to plant acid
loving plants like Rhododendron or Blueberries.
If you do get the soil tested and the pH is above 8, ya got a problem.
Even above 7.8 you probably have a problem. You'll be able to grow
at 7.8 just fine, above 8 you'll have problems with even that and
you'll have to look at
sink plants.