Ceanothus otayensis, (Ceanothus X otayensis), Otay Mountain Lilac is native to San Diego County and adjoining Baja. A very different Mountain lilac, small holly leaves on a small, multi-stemmed plant that looks like a honey I shrunk the bush' plant. At first you'll think it is a Ceanothus crassifolia or verrucosus crown sporting, then you'll realize that the crown sprouter' is a mature plant with little rolled leaves that are not caused by a disease, but by the climate it lives in. Otay Ceanothus grows on rocky exposed ridges in southern San Diego County with companions of Lepechinia ganderi, Cercocarpus minutiflorus, Arctostaphylos otayensis, Viguiera laciniata, Salvia munzii, Chamise, Diplacus puniceus, Helianthemum scoparium var. aldersonii, Solanum tenuilobatum, and Ribes indecorum. Where its native looks so exposed and nasty, but it seems to fairly protected from extremes. We did our plant and abuse planting here, and they all died of heat and drought. So best planted in the coastal areas, not our convention oven.
Click here for more about California Lilacs (Ceanothus). Why do the roots of some of the Ceanothus look funny?