San Diego Sagewort lives in the coastal valleys of southern San Diego, from about Escondido south in washes and ravines where there\'s a little more ground moisture. This plant, along with its cousin, Artemisia californica is a dew or fog grabber and can get a goodly amount of its yearly moisture from air born sources. If you live outside of the morning fog zone remember to wash the foliage off every week or two during the spring and summer. If they\'re washed down occasionally the sageworts look dramatically cleaner and less smothered. Use this plant with Salvia, Penstemon, and Eriogonum as a fast filler for the future fill in of Quercus, Ceanothus, and even Arctostaphylos. Use as a contrast against groundcover like Ceanothus Yankee Point\', Salvia Dara\'s Choice, Salvia mellifera repens. . Birds such as Gold Finches and Quail work the seeds as they hit the ground. The seeds are so small, but the Quail will work hard to get them all.
Artemisia palmeri tolerates sand.
Artemisia palmeri is great for a bird garden.
Foliage of Artemisia palmeri is stressdeciduous and has fragrance.
Flower of Artemisia palmeri has color yellow.
Communities for Artemisia palmeri:Coastal Sage Scrub.