Salvia Vicki Romo was apparently a hybrid between Salvia clevelandii, Salvia apiana, maybe Salvia leucophylla and others. Betsy Clebsch reports in Sages for Every Garden "It was introduced in 1993 and named S. 'Vicki Romo' in honor of a young student at Claremont Graduate School who had been in the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden's doctoral program"
We've played with for a few years now and it's not died. Vicki Romo seems to tolerate temperates down into at least the low teens, maybe 10F, heat and seems to be fairly drought and soil tolerant. Flowers are large and gaudy, foliage is like a white sage, until you look close, then it looks different. Fragrance is a toned down white sage with a toned down cleveland sage. Actually smells better than either sage. If you dead head it for bouquets this sage can work for a small garden and it can be held to 3X3 feet. Flowers at the same time as Salvia 'Pozo Blue', and Salvia Apiana, just before Salvia clevlandii, Just after Salvia brandegii. Pollinated by bumblebees, hummingbirds, butterflies and other native insects.
Here's a native
sage page where you can see all the sages of California.
Salvia apianaXclevelandii 'Vicki Romo' tolerates sand.
Salvia apianaXclevelandii 'Vicki Romo' is great for a bird garden and a butterfly garden.
Foliage of Salvia apianaXclevelandii 'Vicki Romo' has color gray, is evergreen, has fragrance and is edible.
Flower of Salvia apianaXclevelandii 'Vicki Romo' has color pink and has a fragrance.
Fruit of Salvia apianaXclevelandii 'Vicki Romo' has fragrance and is edible.
Communities for Salvia apianaXclevelandii 'Vicki Romo':Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub.