(Fremontia mexicana) Evergreen shrub, 15 ft., bright yellow flowers 3 inches across, emerge April-August., fuzzy grey-green foliage. Grows in San Diego Co., full sun to part shade, excellent drainage, little or no water, rock mulch will help as roots are prone to get root rot, cultivated since 1854. Cold damage in the containers at 15 deg., the planted plants are cold tolerant to 10 deg., not for deer areas, these plants are fire followers, the fires burn the deer out before the plants sprout, these are very fast plants, they can grow 6-8 ft in one year putting them above browsing range. Motherstock died of drought here (whops!) in 1989 after 4 inch and 8 rainfall years. (It was in a poorly supported spot.)
Foliage of Fremontodendron mexicanum has color white and is evergreen.
Flower of Fremontodendron mexicanum has color yellow.
Communities for Fremontodendron mexicanum:Chaparral and Southern Oak Woodland.