Ramona Big Berry Manzanita is a medium sized Manzanita with blue gray foliage and white flowers.
A really glorious Big Berry manzanita from the San Vicente/Ramona area. The mother plant was growing out of a rocky out cropping next to a golf course. Red bark, a very open form with very clean glossy foliage. The plant looks almost like an artificial manzanita. Use as a specimen with lower color in front:
Or as an elegant 5-6 ft hedge. The soils naturally have a high pH in the town of Ramona, so this manzanita can tolerate a soil pH of 7.8, and might even be okay in pH 8. Who would have guessed that the pH in the heavy chaparral of interior San Diego is higher than much of the San Joaquin Valley?
Romana was discovered by Bert Wilson and introduced by Las Pilitas Nursery.
Arctostaphylos glauca 'Ramona' tolerates sand and clay.
Arctostaphylos glauca 'Ramona' is great for a bird garden.
Foliage of Arctostaphylos glauca 'Ramona' has color green-gray and is evergreen.
Flower of Arctostaphylos glauca 'Ramona' has color white.
Fruit of Arctostaphylos glauca 'Ramona' is edible.
Communities for Arctostaphylos glauca 'Ramona':Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub and Southern Oak Woodland.