Another of the scrub oaks. This one can usually be differentiated as the bush looks a little different in that the leaf is between Quercus agrifolia and Quercus dumosa in size with a duller cast to it than Quercus agrifolia and larger than Quercus dumosa (the old form). For a genera that has incredibly diverse leaf forms and FACT that flower parts are supposed to be used for the key, Oaks are a royal PAIN to figure out what is what. This is another species' that should have been left as a variety of Quercus dumosa. It is a fairly uniform variety that is a clean bush/low tree to about 10 ft.. But if you bring a limb in from your tree with acorns and leaves intact, 5 botanists would not agree on what your tree is, sorry that's not science, it's seance.
Quercus acutidens x tolerates sand.
Foliage of Quercus acutidens x has color green-gray and is evergreen.
Flower of Quercus acutidens x has color na.
Communities for Quercus acutidens x:Chaparral and Southern Oak Woodland.