Acer glabrum – survives, but stem may get frost burnt, regrows from base in spring
Achillea millefolium – does well
Actea rubra – does well, needs water
Agastache urticifolia - looks like hell in the pots, outstanding once planted
Amelanchier utahensis – does well
Aquilegia formosa - looks like hell in the pots, outstanding once planted
Aquilegia pubescens – does well, needs water
Arctostaphylos patula – does well
Artemisia ludoviciana – does well
Artemisia tridentata – does well
Asclepias fascicularis - survives & flowers, probably prefers more heat
Aster ascendens – too early to tell, looks good in pots, but no inflorescences yet
Balsamorhiza sagittata – does well, unusual flower, no ray flowers
Betula occidentalis – weak, needs more heat
Cercocarpus ledifolius – does well
Chamaebatiaria millefolium – does well
Clematis ligusticifolia – does well
Corylus cornuta – survives winter, growth is weak, probably needs more heat
Dicentra Formosa - does fine, probably prefers a warmer
spring temperatures
Epilobium angustifolia – does well
Epipactis gigantea – does well
Eriogonum umbellatum – does well, non-native form not recognized by pollinators
Eriogonum wrightii – does well
Fallugia paradoxa, has done well in sun
Fremontodendron californicum – low elevation forms do not
survive, local plants just began blooming in early July
Heuchera hirsutissima – outstanding
Horkelia rydbergii - looks like hell in the pots, outstanding once planted, tough sell at the nursery
Iris missouriensis – does well
Jamesia Americana - survives, but is performing poorly (maybe my soil), too bad, I love this plant
Koeleria macrantha – low survival
Lililum parryi – does well
Lilium humboldtii – does well
Linum lewisii – does well
Lobelia cardinalis – does fine, probably prefers a little more summer heat
Lupinus excubitus – sells well, a little picky on site placement, can be outstanding
Mimulus cardinalis – survives & flowers, lacks vigor, probably prefers a little more heat
Monardella australis - looks like hell in the pots, outstanding once planted
Oenothera caespitosa – survives, vigor seems low with a few exceptions
Oenothera calilfornica – does well
Penstemon azureus – does well
Penstemon caesius – not true species, looks like hybrids with P. eatonii, single stem red flowers
Penstemon centranthifolius - survives & flowers, needs heat, only a shadow of itself in habitat
Penstemon eatonii – looks like hell in the pots, outstanding once planted
Penstemon grinnellii – looks like hell in the pots, mixed performance once planted, vigor appears low
Penstemon labrosus - looks like hell in the pots, outstanding once planted
Penstemon newberryi – weak, lives a couple years and fades away, doesn’t flower well
Penstemon palmeri – does well, would like more heat, shadow of itself in habitat
Penstemon procerus – does fine when properly cared for, needs moisture
Penstemon pseudospectabilis - survives & flowers, needs heat, only a shadow of itself in habitat
Penstemon spectabilis – survives & flowers, needs heat, only a shadow of itself in habitat, seeds won’t germinate
Philadelphus microphyllus – survives & flowers, needs periodic moisture to perform well
Pinus edulis – suffered in pots over winter, fine in ground
Pinus jeffreyi – does well
Poa fendleriana – does well
Polemonium pulcherrinum – low survival
Potentilla glandulosa – does well
Prunus andersonii – does well
Prunus emarginata – too early to tell
Prunus virginiana – survives and generally does well, growth rate is medium to slow
Ribes cereum – does well
Ribes nevadense – does well
Ribes Roezelii – does well
Rudbeckia californica – outstanding, needs water
Salvia pachyphylla – outstanding
Sambucus caerula – survives and does well
Sidalcea neomexicanum – no data
Silene parishii – too early to tell, mine are budding up right now
Solidago confinis – does well
Sphaeralcea munroana – a little weak, survives a year or two, fades away
Strawberry hybrids – do fine, not outstanding
Zauschneria latifolia – not sure
Zauschneria latifolia viscosa– arctic circle – does well
Note: "Keep in mind, some (many, most) performance issues may be my soil (mostly cobbles with clay in between) or my site (partial shade, no blistering suns). I've loved every minute of it, though." Bill