Orange bush Monkey flower is cold tolerant to 12-15 deg. It can grow in any soil including serpentine but needs some drainage. Don't over water! The Jepson manual lumps all the monkey flowers into this species, aurantiacus, under the Genus Mimulus. Munz puts them in different species but all under the same genus Mimulus. We prefer to keep them separate (as does the synthesis of the North American flora, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System, and ). This wide ranging monkey flower can be found in the coast ranges from Santa Barbra to Del Norte County and in the foothills of the Sierras from Del Norte to Tuolumne county in the following plant communities: Chaparral, Closed-cone Pine Forest, Central Oak Woodland, Coastal Sage Scrub, Mixed-evergreen Forest, Northern Coastal Sage Scrub, Northern Oak Woodland, Redwood Forest.
This cultivar of orange bush monkey flower is a little nicer that the general form. If you live in the sierras this form would be preferable. It also does well in the coast ranges. It especially likes Decomposed granite soil.
The Sierra soils are very acidic and many plants from other areas have trouble staying green there.
This light yellow monkey flower loves rocky areas. It grows under the protection of boulders or in rocky crevices and rocky outcroppings. This monkey flower is found from Fresno to Kern counties along the base of the sierras and strangely in the interior coast ranges of San Luis Obispo county. It is also found in the San Gabriel mountains to the mountains in north east San Diego county. It is found in these plant communities: chaparral, Central Oak Woodland, Joshua Tree Woodland, and Yellow Pine Forest.
This yellow monkey flower is soft like a Mimulus sp but can tolerate drought like a Diplacus sp. The flowers are unique looking Cleveland's Monkey flower is found from the Santa Ana mountains to southern San Diego county in the Mixed-evergreen Forest, and Yellow Pine Forest plant communities.
This southern California monkey can tolerate very hot dry conditions but it will go summer deciduous. If you give it a little shade and some summer water you can keep it looking green. It flowers a lot and the flowers are fairly large. It likes Chaparral, and Coastal Sage Scrub plant communities.
Another D. longiflorus! This one is also from Southern California. This monkey can tolerate full shade well. It likes the Coastal Sage Scrub plant community.
This southern California Monkey flower is red. It likes well drained soil. It likes part shade inland and full sun along the coast. It is found in the Chaparral, and Coastal Sage Scrub plant communities.
These monkey flowers can often be found in moist areas near seeps. Creeks, ponds etc. They are generally herbaceous, some are even annuals.
Scarlet monkey flower has brilliant red-orange flowers. The flowers are large but the petals fold back on themselves. Making them tall and narrow. The foliage is soft and light green. Scarlet monkey likes sunny or shady shaded wet places. It can tolerate garden conditions well but may spread if given excess water. It is best near a dripping birdbath or near a facet. The hummingbirds like it.
Yes, a this Monkey flower is Pink! This monkey flower does much better at higher elevations. It is confused by are warm days and cold nights. It needs a lot of water. It is would also do well under drippy birdbath.
Creeping monkey flower kind of resembles Seep monkey flower. It also likes really wet areas. It tolerates flooding well.
There are many other species of Monkey flowers in the state. But most are small annuals that no one carries seed for. So they are great to look at, but do not pick please. Take pictures!