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Plant lists
Nature of California
Native Plants
Flat native ground covers
Two feet ground cover
Two feet or taller California native ground covers.
For small or flat ground covers go here
for one to two foot high ground covers go here
or for
Slopes go here.
Arctostaphylos cushingiana
grows in heavy, serpentine/adobe clay, but also does well in sandy loam. Knee high mounds of gray.
Harmony Manzanita is a beautiful ground cover for any garden directly away from the coast.
Arctostaphylos glandulosa adamsii
is a moundcover for Southern California Gardens. Sand or clay, full to part sun.
You know those pine/manzanita slopes of Tahoe and Mammoth? You can do that with
this Southern California ground cover.
Wayside manzanita
has done fine in adobe soils near the coast. In inland locations it needs at least afternoon shade.
Arctostaphylos parryana Snow Lodge Manzanita
is a great ground cover for the mountain folks.
Mesa ground cover grows in full sun near the coast, part shade inland. Tolerates garden conditions.
Should be used in Santa Monica, Venice or maybe around Golden Gate in San Francisco.
Artemisia californicaX Montara
is a gray ground cover for heavy soils or light soils.
Ceanothus Joyce Coulter
has a trick to it. Tip prune the upright stems a few times the first year and the plants will grow low.
Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Yankee Poin
t is an evergreen shrub that commonly grows two or three feet tall and ten feet wide.
Ceanothus rigidus Snowball
is not liked by deer but is liked by humans. Grows here in full sun to part shade, an excellent groundcover of smaller spaces.
Fremontodendron californicum decumbens
is a small flannel bush that can be used as a groundcover mixed with Ceanothus.
Lonicera hispidula.
California honeysuckle is one of the few pale green groundcovers that can grow in shade.
Lonicera subspicata denudata
is a wonderful groundcover honeysuckle from southern California.
Rhus integrifolia
works well as a shiny evergreen groundcover near the coast, particularly in windy conditions.
Rhus trilobata
makes a great groundcover for under the edges of oak trees, or around the base of an elderberry tree.
Ribes aureum gracillimum Golden Currant
works well near oaks or on north slopes, as a larger groundcover. that spreads over time.
Ribes quercetorum
grows in openings in the inland areas, sometimes in incredibly difficult places, like the hills ringing Carrizo Plains.
Ribes viburnifolium
is a drought tolerant ground cover for full shade, and grows well under oaks.
Rubus ursinus
makes a blackberry thicket.
Salvia mellifera repens
makes a mounding groundcover near the coast, but inland it grows higher.
Solanum xanti hoffmannii
works well as a groundcover in the shade of oaks, and as an added benefit is sweetly fragrant.
Symphoricarpos albus
forms thickets on creek banks and does well as a buffer between lawns and oaks.
Vitis girdiana, Southern California grape
works a groundcover in much of Southern California.
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Copyright © 1992-2025 Las Pilitas Nursery
Edited on Dec 16, 2013.
Bert Wilson
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