Plants For Central Oak Woodland

Box Elder tree,  Acer negundo californicum with fall color in fog. - grid24_12
Acer negundo var. californicum California Box Elder

California Box Elder is a deciduous tree, usually 30', possible to 50'. Native to the mountains of central and northern California. Acer negundo var. californicum has a bad rap because of the box el... Learn more.

Achillea millefolium californica Yarrow with Hair Streak - grid24_12
Achillea millefolium var. californica Yarrow

Western Yarrow is a small perennial that spreads by rhizomes. It varies by locale from 1-4'. The cream-colored (off-white?) flowers are in 3- 4"clusters. It's native to the western U.S. and is drought... Learn more.

Achillea millefolium rosea Island Pink Pink Yarrow  - grid24_12
Achillea millefolium var. rosea 'Island Pink' Pink California Yarrow

(Achillea borealis ssp. californica (Munz)) Island Pink. Yarrow is a perennial that spreads by rhizomes. It varies by locale from one to four feet. Some plants of each population will have 3- 4"clu... Learn more.

Adiantum capillus-veneris, Maidenhair fern in Zion park Utah. - grid24_12
Adiantum capillus-veneris Maidenhair Fern

A small fern 18 inches high that grows in moist shade or north slope, throughout most of California and the U.S. Maidenhair will go summer dormant if allowed to dry out. It's deer proof. Native to MA... Learn more.

Adiantum jordanii
California Maiden-Hair Fern leaf  - grid24_12
Adiantum jordanii California Maiden-Hair Fern

Adiantum jordanii, California maiden hair fern is native to much of California and grows in shaded woods under oaks and pines. Maidenhair never gets much sun and is usually in moist winter spots, tha... Learn more.

Buckeye trees are used as a nectar source for many native butterflies. Spring Azure/ Echo blue uses Aesculus californica as a larval food source.  Native plant equals native insect or bird. - grid24_12
Aesculus californica California Buckeye

California Buckeye is a deciduous, small tree, normally growing to 15'. The showy 6" creamy- scented flower spikes appear in April-May. Native to the central coast ranges and Sierra Nevada mounta... Learn more.

green California native grass, Agrostis pallens - grid24_12
Agrostis pallens Bent Grass

This bentgrass, is a perennial, with creeping rhizomes, palea obsolete, hairs at base of lemma minute, inflorescence (Panicle) spikelike. A small, perennial grass, could be utilized as a spring lawn... Learn more.

Allium crispum, Crinkled onion, photo  courtesy of Lynn W. - grid24_12
Allium crispum Wild Onion

A perennial allium with beautiful pink flowers, needs dry summer conditions, best growing in a wild garden. Grows in central oak woodland, in the central western portion of California. Best in clumps ... Learn more.

Anaphalis margaritacea, Pearly Everlasting in the Sierras at about 7000 ft. - grid24_12
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting

Pearly Everlasting is a rather weedy perennial that Painted Ladies visit. If you're old and male don't get excited, Painted Ladies are butterflies. PE has an interesting flower that looks like a small... Learn more.

Aquilegia eximia Serpentine Columbine - grid24_12
Aquilegia eximia Serpentine Columbine

The keys do not agree. This plant (A. eximia) probably is a hybrid with Aquilegia formosa. A 2' perennial, with red-yellow flowers and green-gray foliage, Serpentine Columbine flowers from May th... Learn more.

A young tree of Arbutus menziesii, Madrone, at the edge of rangelands.  - grid24_12
Arbutus menziesii Madrone

Usually a small evergreen tree Madrone has peeling, reddish-brown bark, and red edible berries. Sometimes, in some areas, Madrone can become a real tree, but usually it looks more like a manzanita ... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos Ian Bush with an Anna Hummingbird. This manzanita is easy in most of coastal California. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'Ian Bush ' Ian Bush Manzanita

'Ian bush' manzanita is fast to four feet and seems to stabilize at five feet with a very open form. The green foliage and smooth red bark make the whole bush a great mini-specimen. 'Ian Bush' manzan... Learn more.

The flowers of Sonoma Manzanita - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'Sonoma' Stanford Manzanita

Sonoma manzanita was not impressive until it flowered. The large pink flowers made quite an impression on everyone. The foliage is neat, green, and glossy. The bark is deep red and clean. A nice pla... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos glandulosa campbelliae, I swear  all the glandulosas look the same. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos glandulosa var. campbelliae Eastwood Manzanita

Evergreen bush manzanita, usually about 4' tall. It has 1 1/2" gray leaves, red- brown stems. Among the toughest of the manzanita, roots and spreads to 10' wide, usually on sandstone or clay. This wou... Learn more.

Dr. Hurd manzanita in flower - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos manzanita 'Dr. Hurd ' Dr. Hurd Manzanita

Dr. Hurd Manzanita is an evergreen, multi-branched, treelike hybrid shrub with glossy, light green foliage and grows up to 15', one of the biggest of the big manzanitas. Dr. Hurd is more garden toler... Learn more.

An Anna Hummingbird sipping from a Austin Griffin manzanita - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos manzanita_x_densiflora 'Austin Griffiths ' Austin Griffiths Manzanita

Austin Griffiths Manzanita is a hybrid between Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Sentinel' and Arctostaphylos manzanita 'Dr. Hurd' manzanitas was introduced in the 1980's by Native Sons Nursery in memory of ... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos mariposa, Mariposa Manzanita - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos mariposa Mariposa Manzanita

Mariposa Manzanita is native to the lower margins of the Sierra chaparral community. (see also A. glauca, A. viscida and A. manzanita.) The red trunks and gray foliage are dramatic. This manzanita,... Learn more.

An old picture of Arctostaphylos myrtifolia - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos myrtifolia Ione Manzanita

A rare manzanita from the Ione area where it grows on acidic sandy soil on hard pan. The soils vary in characterics from those around Monterey Bay, Lompoc, Atascadero, Los Osos, to many of the areas ... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos obispoensis 'San Luis Obispo'
Serpentine and Bishop Manzanita. Has beautiful gray foliage - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos obispoensis 'San Luis Obispo' Serpentine Manzanita

San Luis Obispo Manzanita is an evergray shrub, bush or small tree to 8' tall, with gray fuzzy leaves, and deep red stems that used to grow on the hills North of San Luis Obispo. It will make a very ... Learn more.

The bark of Arctostaphylos pungens, Mexican Manzanita - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos pungens Pointleaf Manzanita

Mexican manzanita is an evergreen shrub around six foot tall, (usually taller than wide) that grows from Montana to Mount Tamalpais (just north of the Golden gate) south to Baja, and on to Texas. Me... Learn more.

White Leaf manzanita, Arctostaphylos viscida, with flowers. notice  the nectar robbing bees have eaten a hole into each flower. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos viscida var. ssp. viscida Whiteleaf manzanita

Whiteleaf manzanita, Arctostaphylos viscida, grows from Kern County north to about the Oregon Border. It is not very garden tolerant but easily grown in native gardens. In the Sierra Nevada it is a c... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos glauca Blue Corgi Manzanita in a hot, cold and very dry part of the garden. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos glauca 'Blue Corgi' Big Berry Manzanita

The Blue Corgi is a compact and short round, Big Berry manzanita. The original plant was selected by Bert Wilson in an extremely harsh location in San Benito county. The fifty year old bushes there on... Learn more.

The strange and beautiful flowers of Aristolochia californica, California Pipevine. - grid24_12
Aristolochia californica California Pipevine

California Dutchman's Pipe or Pipe Vine is a deciduous vine with one inch purple striped pipe-shaped flowers. Pipe vine likes part-shade. This California native vine has become fairly drought tolerant... Learn more.

Artemisia californica California Sagebrush is one of the most common shrubs in the coastal plant communities of California.  - grid24_12
Artemisia californica California Sagebrush

California sagebrush, Artemisia californica is an evergray shrub, three to four foot high. This sage brush is native to much of Central and Southern California and is part of the 'sage' in coastal... Learn more.

Canyon Gray Sagebrush, Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray, with Margarita BOP Penstemon. - grid24_12
Artemisia californica 'Canyon Gray' Trailing Sagebrush

Artemisia californica ' Canyon Gray', is a low spreader. This silver ground cover is drought tolerant and deer resistant. Leaves are also fragrant. It can be  less than 1ft high and about 4ft across. ... Learn more.

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