Also, we do not sell common plants and call them funny names or "friendly" names to make them sound special. Just because it has butterfly or hummingbird in the common or trade name means that it has any value at all for or local hummingbirds or butterflies. A number of the plants labeled as such are weeds in their native habitat. How can we charge the same for a 4 inch plant that takes one month to grow when our plant takes 1-3 years to grow, weighs 3-4 lbs. and is hard to start?
Some of the main line growers grow some natives in full shade, fertilize the poo out of them, keep them alive with fungicides, sell them to silly folks that email us to ask why all their plants died. We can't figure out why they do not call or email the folks they bought them from...
ALSO, the success one year after planting should be between 90-98% depending on how bad the site is. A conventional lot in town and planting in winter you should have 98% of the plants alive after a year. People keep trying to tell us the 'normal' is 50%, but they are not using our plants. If you were planting a remote south facing slope in Barstow I could be happy with 50%, but in town. NO! You shouldn't be losing that many plants.
Again, sorry, the emails and calls are getting to us.
Dog grooming and
Ferret grooming.