The House Finch is a seed eater (check out its shnoz). The House Finch prefers grasses and forbs. Some of these forbs include Turkey mullein, Eremocarpus setigerus, Tar weed, Hemizonia spp, miners lettuce, and Sedge, Carex spp..
a couple of house finches go off the wagon and pretend they are fruit
eaters sampling every peach, plum or nectarine on your tree. Madding
when they ruin an entire tree of fruit and eat none. Blue Jays and most
of the other birds will work one fruit until its eaten(do not pick it
as they will ruin another), but these morons ruin the entire crop.
All beak, no brains. Remove the nest from the tree, after
or four times they usually will move somewhere else, hopefully to that
neighbor you don't like.
The House Finch is found throughout California except in the highest elevations.
Most populations do not migrate. Populations on the east side of the sierras only stay in winter months.