Plants For Red Fir Forest

Meadow rue, Fendler's meadowrue, Fendler meadowrue flower - grid24_12
Thalictrum fendleri Mountain Meadow Rue

A perennial with delicate columbine -like flowers that is covered with spires of very airy, dainty flowers in spring, and with beautiful, delicate foliage. Perfect for a shade garden, with some moistu... Learn more.

Tolmiea menziesii Youth-On-Age - grid24_12
Tolmiea menziesii Youth-On-Age

A small scale groundcover, container plant or as house plant. Native to the coastal regions from Calif. to Alaska. Plant forms small plants at the top of mature leaves. This is a redwood belt plant so... Learn more.

Trifolium willdenovii. Tomcat Clover - grid24_12
Trifolium Clover

Our Native clovers are mostly annuals. We do not sell the seed but we do encourage the plants. The native clovers should not mowed or killed until the flowers are allowed to produce seed. This page ... Learn more.

Urtica holosericea Hoary Nettle - grid24_12
Urtica holosericea Hoary Nettle

A large perennial that is liked by butterflies and other native insects.(You\'ll hate it as it is a very large stinging nettle.) I\'ve seen it in Carpinteria on a north slope mixed with Ribes speciosu... Learn more.

Viola sheltonii Shelton's Violet

Shelton's Violet is a small little Violet from the forests of much of California. We may get some of these big enough to ship, I hope we will, but they are a small little perennial with yellow flowers... Learn more.

Zauschneria latifolia viscosa Arcitc cirlce is a high elevation California fuchsia.  - grid24_12
Zauschneria latifolia var. viscosa Arctic Circle California fuchsia

This high elevation California fuchsia is a one foot tall perennial that makes little clumps of hot red-orange on north slopes at higher elevations. It usually grows best under Jeffery Pine, Ponderosa... Learn more.

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