This checker bloom is a perennial with a small cluster of leaves at its base and a 2-3ft. spike of 1 inch deep pink flowers. The stems are rather lax as it grows in perennial grass thickets in season... Learn more.
Checkers, Sidalcea neomexicana, has a clump of dark green leaves six inches or so across producing two feet tall stems with many one inch wide mauve flowers. Wow, that was a long sentence, if that was... Learn more.
Sisyrinchium californicum, Yellow-Eyed Grass, is a small perennial about 8 inches tall that forms a little clump of iris leaves with bunches of yellow flowers that appear May through June. Yellow-Eyed... Learn more.
Commonly grows in shady places, under Oaks, in oak woodland/coastal sage scrub. Flowers are in a raceme followed by white berries. Goes dormant in the summer when no rain fall occurs and dies to base... Learn more.
Perennial with white flowers, that goes deciduous in the summer, berries eaten by many species of birds and small mammals. Grows best in partial shade, somewhat straggly, Entire plant is poisonous to ... Learn more.
Bluewitch is a 1-2' perennial with 1"flowers bright blue, with yellow centers and blooms most of the year. It has silver-gray foliage. Native in chaparral, Juniper-Oak woodland in central Calif. coast... Learn more.
A beautiful 2-3' perennial with dark green glossy foliage and deep blue-purple 1" flowers that are scented like violets but better. A sweet wonderful headturning smell. Native to the Gaviota pass area... Learn more.
A seep plant in lower elevations can be found in sunny road cuts at higher elevations. Native from the coast to Death Valley. Its 2' plumes of yellow flowers brighten many areas of Calif.. Easy to gro... Learn more.
GUIRADO'S GOLDENROD is bright green with yellow flowers and grows from Morro Bay to upper arroyo Grande and up into the wetter areas in souther San Benito County. In both ends of it's range this Soli... Learn more.
We grew this from a Vandenberg mitigation. The mother plants were growing on a ocean facing (west) slope about one mile from the water. The rainfall on the site is 12-15 inches with additional 5-10 i... Learn more.
A petite rhizomatous perennial glandular hedge nettle with white/pale pink (with purplish pink markings)flowers, and fuzzy light green leaves. This plant grows in many plant communities, from the c... Learn more.
Bugle hedgenettle is a low perennial that you'll see in coastal California along roadsides where the moisture runs to, seeps and creek edges. Both butterflies and hummingbirds will use the flowers for... Learn more.
This hedge nettle is native to moist spots in much of California. A good plant to put under the bird bath, in a dryland garden. Stachys albens will increase by rhizomes to the edge of the moist spot.... Learn more.
California Hedgenettle, Stachys bullata, is native to the coast ranges from San Francisco to Los Angeles. From April through August 1/2"pink flowers emerge on a 1-2' interrupted spike that make excell... Learn more.
Nodding Needle Grass is a 2-3' perennial bunch grass that grows in the foothills of California. Leaves glaucous,(covered with a thin film of wax, that makes the leaf appear more bluish, whitish) gray... Learn more.
Giant needlegrass is a bunch grass, 4 ft. high, distinctive, grows in the mountains of central and southern California, for dry banks and paths, full sun, little water. The Stipas occur throughout Cal... Learn more.
A 1-2 ft. perennial bunch grass, native to most of the foothills of California. Native on the nursery site under deciduous oaks in part-shade and sometimes in full sun. Usually, cattle take these gras... Learn more.
Purple Needle Grass is dry-land bunch grass. In the wild it is in the open spots in Oak Woodland mixed with Calochortus species, Long stem Buckwheat, Yucca whipplei, Golden Yarrow and wildflower... Learn more.
(Syn. S. moquinii) Jaeger says it much better than I: Inkweed thrives only in soils containing both salt and alkali, and generally occurs around the edges of wet-type dry lakes in which moisture is ne... Learn more.
Creeping Snowberry grows on north slopes, in ravines, and sometimes is all that's left of an oak woodland in full sun. The more coastal the setting the more sun this snowberry can handle. In som... Learn more.
Southern Umbrellawort lives on the Santa Margarita nursery site, which seems to be close to, or, the northen range for the species. Which is very interesting in it's self. Why did it stop here? San B... Learn more.
A gray leaved summer perennial. Bright yellow lupin like flowers on a 1-2' plant. Commonly on serpentine rock ourcroppings or adobe grasslands. Not as easy as most lupines. Give sun near the coast a l... Learn more.
Poison-oak is a suckering deciduous shrub that can become a vine if given something to climb onto. Poison oak uses aerial roots to sucker and to latch onto trees or walls. We do not grow it as we've ... Learn more.
Our Native clovers are mostly annuals. We do not sell the seed but we do encourage the plants. The native clovers should not mowed or killed until the flowers are allowed to produce seed. This page ... Learn more.
A large perennial that is liked by butterflies and other native insects.(You\'ll hate it as it is a very large stinging nettle.) I\'ve seen it in Carpinteria on a north slope mixed with Ribes speciosu... Learn more.