Anthophora. Digger Beeis a solitary bee doesn't care much about soil type to dig it's nest in. It's a very active flier and suspicious of old men with cameras. I've been buzzed many times. Sometimes the bee will fly up
into my face and fly to another bush.
Many of our Manzanitas, (Sentinel, Austin Griffiin, Mama Bear, Ian
Bush, amongst others) flower as the first brood of this digger bee
emerges. Add some manzanitas and Salvia clevelandii Alpine to the edges of your orchard and your orchard should be able to build quantities of native bees to replace Honey Bees.
This is an insect that does little harm and a great deal of good. They pollinate all sorts of flowers and are not lazy about it. On overcast days the Bumblebees and Digger bees and me are all that are about the flowers. No European bees to bee found.
Digger bee, Anthophora sp.
Anthophora, Digger bee on Arctostaphylos Ian Bush. Looks like heaven to me.
Probably Anthophora edwardsii, a Digger Bee on Austin Griffin Manzanita
The back side of a Digger Bee, Anthophora
A Digger Bee, Anthophora pacifica on a Arctostaphylos Ian Bush manzanita.
Anthophora pacifica visits flowers of Arctostaphylos, Cercocarpus, Cynoglossum grandis, Eriodictyon caliofnricum, Lasthenia, Lotus, Lupinus, Pedicularis, Ribes, Salix. I know this bee really didn't mean to poo on me....
Salvia brandegei, Brandegees Sage, with a visiting Anthophora pacifica