Range of the Bushtit
Bushtits are
widespread throughout the state except desert habitats and the eastern
side of the Sierra Nevada range. They do not enter high elevations on
the western side of the Sierra Nevada. May enter desert habitats in
fall and winter seasons.
A flock of about 20 of these birds seem to always be in the Santa Margarita Nursery. Life is a party for them.
of the Bushtit
pair off in the spring and the mating pairs nest in hanging nest sacks
made of spider webs and soft foliage. Usually in a dense tree like a
coast live oak,
Diet of the Bushtit
The Bushtit's diet
consists mainly of insects and spiders gleaned from shrubs and herbs.
These birds will help to reduce your insect pest population. They are
quite acrobatic in their quest for insects, often hanging upside down.
They seem to have no regard for gravity. No bug is safe from their
probing little beaks. They have a peculiar movement pattern. Flocks
generally move slowly in a sort of leap frog motion from one area of
dense cover to the next. Only one or two birds move at a time.