Go to each plant's page to check availability, look at pictures, or buy online
Try something as simple as typing whatever you are looking for in
our search box. Try something natural like your city name or the native plant
you're looking for.
We have all sorts of pages about native plants and their natural
allies. More than likely there will be something mentioning your
city or your question in a thousands of pages of information.
Native plants are beautiful and full of LIFE! Native flies,
lizards. show up in a native garden.
'Wild' life shows up even in remote town gardens. Your garden can be as
wonderful as a great movie, full of intrigue and cinematic colore.
Native gardens need about one tenth the water that 'drought tolerant'
non-native gardens need. (We have no sprinkler systems on the
motherstock areas.) If you pick native plants that grow in your area naturally, you can be a natural! (Some call these native plant nuts...)
Here are some of the pages that we've written for specific groups of
native plants. This page is meant to be a window into some of the web
pages that we've produced about native plants. We've written about 2000
urls so far trying to address all aspects of native plants, native plant
gardens and details about each nursery.