Spiraea douglasii, is a fast-growing, 4-5' deciduous shrub. Its rose flowers grow in lovely clusters and emerge in June-September. This spiraea is native to moist places, usually in forests, below 6000 ft. elevation, from northern California to British Columbia. This plant is very adaptable as grows in sun to part shade, will tolerate a lot of water, but can become somewhat drought tolerant if grown with other plants and in semi-shade. The best looking one I've seen was in a yard in Pebble Beach. It was growing on 1-2' of sand with a hardpan subsoil that was wet in the winter and dry in the summer. When I saw it in July it looked like a Raspberry ice cream cone. Hot pink-purple on top of light green stems. Showy. It has grown very well here in the California central coast ranges, with Populus fremontii, Platanus racemosa, Cornus glabrata, and Heteromeles arbutifolia as companions.
Spiraea douglasii tolerates sand and seasonal flooding.
Foliage of Spiraea douglasii is deciduous.
Flower of Spiraea douglasii has color pink.
Communities for Spiraea douglasii:Red Fir Forest and Redwood Forest.