Butterfly Mint Bush, Monardella antonina
(sounds better than San Antonio Hills Monardella) is a one foot
perennial covered with balls of pale purple with some pink, being
worked constantly by every butterfly in our valley. Sometimes two or
three on each blossom. The foliage is gray-green with a good minty
fragrance. If you use it for tea (excellent with Yerba Buena) use small
amounts and do not steep long for it is strong. The flowering period is
between July and Dec.. We have this planted right above a Diplacus longiflorus and next to
the L.P. form of Salvia spathacea
in a very showy mass of colors with Hummingbirds and Butterflies
everywhere. We mixed two others with Ceanothus
hearstiourm in a strip of clay. Wonderful plant full of activity
and scent.Wonderful plant.
Monardella antonina tolerates sand and clay.
Monardella antonina is great for a butterfly garden.
Foliage of Monardella antonina has color green, is evergreen, has fragrance and is edible.
Flower of Monardella antonina has color violet and has a fragrance.
Communities for Monardella antonina:Coastal Sage Scrub and Central Oak Woodland.