A fuzzy little lupine with gray leaves and blue flowers. Useful in revegetation mixes as I've seen it growing on some bad sites. Source: western San Luis Obispo County, California, Godd 9, February 22, 1997. coastal sage scrub. This small annual, is adaptable to a variety of soils, but conditions are best with full sun, open areas, no additional water. small annual, not noticed but very useful in California ecosystems to add nitrogen to the soil so that other plants in the community can benefit. fls. blue and white, frt. oblong, seeds 6, upper keel margins ciliate near tip, fls.whorled, lvs. and stems hairy, banner 4 mm long, X 3mm wide, frt. 3 mm wide,
Foliage of Lupinus bicolor is na.
Flower of Lupinus bicolor has color blue.
Communities for Lupinus bicolor:Coastal Strand, Mixed-evergreen Forest and Northern Coastal Sage Scrub.