Rhamnus californica 'Mound San Bruno' Coffeeberry is an attractive evergreen that can be a shrubby groundcover, border planting, or foundation plant. .Tolerates shearing and can be shaped into a poodle if you have nothing better to do. A little smaller than Eve Case. More garden tolerant, much less tolerant than either the species or Eve Case of drought, sun, heat or cold. A very good choice for mild coastal environments or a conventional garden where you want to introduce a few native plants. Afternoon shade in the interior and near regular water at most locations. An excellent substitute for Rhaphiolepis. Excellent in those heavy adobe soils that are a little 'springy' after the winter rains.
(AKA Frangula californica.)
Rhamnus californica 'San Bruno' is great for a bird garden.
Foliage of Rhamnus californica 'San Bruno' has color reddish-green and is evergreen.
Flower of Rhamnus californica 'San Bruno' has color na.
Communities for Rhamnus californica 'San Bruno':Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub.