Coffee Fern a one or even two foot tall fern that is native to cismontane California. Pellaea andromedaefolia or) andromedifolia is native to sun in cooler climates and to shade at the nursery site. A good subject for rock garden, slow, likes good drainage. It grows in sites that make you wonder about 'delicate ferns'. There is a plant above the nursery growing on rock under chamise on a south- facing slope. But generally you'll find it just over the north slope or on an east slope. Plant this one in the spot you want it, water it once or twice and hope for the best. Can be spelled Pellea andromedifolia or Pellaea andromedaefolia.
Foliage of Pellaea andromedifolia is evergreen.
Flower of Pellaea andromedifolia has color na.
Communities for Pellaea andromedifolia:Chaparral, Mixed-evergreen Forest and Central Oak Woodland.