This Monkey Flower (Diplacus or Mimulus) is native to the Agoura area. It commonly grows in washes, under the oaks or in rock outcroppings in all but the hottest spots. The associates for this monkey flower are Lonicera denudata, Ribes aureum var. gracillimum, Quercus agrifolia, Rhus trilobata, Rhus ovata, Elymus condensatus, Salvia leucophylla, Salvia apiana, Symphoricarpos mollis, Sambucus mexicana, and Penstemon heterophyllus. This monkey flower has very large flowers on a relatively small plant. In the shade the plant can range quite tall, up to 4-5 feet; put it in an abused garden in full sun and you get huge flowers on a beat up 1 foot plant. (The plant in the photo has not had any care or water and undergoes semi-dormancy in late summer, but rewards us with a great flower show for a month or more in spring.) Syn: Mimulus aurantiacus var. aurantiacus
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Diplacus longiflorus 'Agoura Spunky Monkey' tolerates clay.
Diplacus longiflorus 'Agoura Spunky Monkey' is great for a bird garden.
Foliage of Diplacus longiflorus 'Agoura Spunky Monkey' is stressdeciduous.
Flower of Diplacus longiflorus 'Agoura Spunky Monkey' has color yellow.
Communities for Diplacus longiflorus 'Agoura Spunky Monkey':Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub.